這個女聲就是之前hurts to purr的主唱,發現她在07年時自已到了California並發了一張《11 songs》,整張專輯都是她用鋼琴自我創作,這首〈keep going west〉很哀傷卻很成熟,我想是在寫她獨自到西岸的心情吧。

出生在曼哈頓的她,在舊金山長大,並在那唸完柏克萊音樂學院,接著又搬到了奧斯丁,在那組了hurts to purr,直到08年9月正式解散,那時她自己早已辛苦地另謀出路了。

2010年12月時,她還有再和一個樂團the level合作出了一張《Television city》。


keep going west

Tires are curled on the side of the road,
Sleeping off the breakup from the wheel and the load.
I am curled on one side of the bed,
In a Motel 6 with my independence.

Keep going west, keep going west, keeping going west.

Birds they fly, float the roads and ranches,
Tilt their wings on the wind and the branches.
Oh, my heart it flies on the highway back.
I push through, I push through endless points of reference. 

Keep going west, keep going west, keeping going west.

The horses' heads hold up the morning,
And the low sky hangs in God's own noose. 
With my lashes long, I dream of the ocean,
And the glow that rang when last I kissed you.

Keep going west, keep going west, keeping going west.

You turned and walked, I got in the car,
Cried and choked the wheel so hard,
Tied my foot to the gas. 
Oh, I looked, I looked back. 

Keep going west, keep going west, keeping going west.
Keep going west, keep going west, keeping going west.


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